May 5, 2011 Day of Prayer – Pastor Greg Scalzo


Almighty God, our Heavenly Father

We love You and praise You and worship You.

You are the God who sees.

You see when we as a nation cry out to You for blessing and protection.

And You see when we as a nation turn our back on You, when we denigrate and break Your Word, and when we ignore Your will.

For You are a holy God, and You desire holiness.

But are we a holy people?

Do our televisions portray images of holiness?

Are our movies, our songs and our media holy?

Do our universities encourage holiness?  Can we say the young people in our colleges are being made holy?

Do our schools teach the innocent children Your holiness?

Or do they tell them that they are the result of random accidents of nature without reason or design?

But You O Lord are the Creator.

You have a plan and purpose for each of those little ones.

And we gather today, a remnant of the people, to ask You to be merciful and gracious to our nation—to forgive our sins and heal our land.

In the darkness that is coming, shine the light of Your gospel, and breathe Your Holy Spirit upon America.  Send revival from coast to coast.  Oh how we need Your Holy Spirit.

And upon our state of Connecticut, O God, send this time of miraculous renewal.

Break the pride and arrogance of this area.

For was it not the center of the First Great Awakening?

And was it not the center of the Second Great Awakening?

O Lord, now we beseech You to make it again the center of a great wave to move upon our nation.

Enable Your Word to be preached with boldness, and confirm it with mighty signs and wonders,

To wake up the next generation

Father they have not seen nor heard, but give them eyes so they can see and ears so they can hear,

That they would turn to You and receive the full salvation that is in Your Son

That the change in them would be so great, that they would put to shame their parents and their grandparents by their love and diligence and dedication to You,

We ask this in the name of Messiah, as disciples of the One Who is the only solution, the only salvation, the only redemption—the One who is the surety of our hope.

We ask this in the name which You have given that is above every name.  For in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray.



© 2011 Gregory J. Scalzo